What is Sacred Space?

You are inspired by the stories of other Family’s Journey Through . . .  

You are starting to find specific strategies on How Do We Navigate . . .  

You and your crew are starting to learn the skills it takes to confidently work together through life-changing adventures.  

However, you are still looking for joy in your journey.  Fear, anger, shame, hopelessness, and despair seem to repeatedly steal the joy and confidence you and your family need for this adventure called life.  Here at Brad Robison, M.D., and Associates, we can help with diagnosis and treatment planning.  We can teach you a host of coping and parenting skills.  But, we do not have healing in a pill or therapeutic technique.  We recognize that the greatest things we can offer you and your family are respect, security, compassion, and hope.  When you enter into a relationship with us, and when you in turn accept and offer to the best of your ability the same respect, security, compassion, and hope, there are times that sacred space is created.

We believe that sacred space is a place to explore and  experience the reality of God and become all we were  created to be.  Though we do not possess healing nor can we give it, we believe that there are times in sacred space in which healing can occur.  Not in some supernatural way, but in a deeply personal and transcendent manner.

In Sacred Space, you will find despair transformed into  hope, fear transformed into courage, anger transformed  into passion, shame transformed into loving acceptance  and maybe, just maybe, joy will return to your journey.

For direction, follow The Compass by signing up today.  

For support and guidance, call and schedule an  appointment with one of our clinicians.